Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Holydays

I believe in Christ, the man and the god, that dwells within in us all, but I don't believe in hate, though hate is easy to be found...

Sometimes it is harder to find the love, it takes a little bit more work to see the love that surrounds us, that love is really the only thing that makes life worth living.

Sometimes, if we are alone, it is easy to think that there is no love, but that is only a filter which one can, with practice, take off.

To experience love, we must first give love, for when you practice what you want, it will find its way to you.

So I wish for you, my readers and the others in my life, a life full of the practice of giving love, so that it may find you.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas is upon us

well, getting close certainly...

but for us last night was Secret Santa Night, here in Sonoma County, they do a fundraiser that helps buy gifts for those in need, small gifts, to large, sometimes just a coat or gas card to help someone out, all the way to paying the rent for a month.

This year we decided to take our normal Christmas budget and share half of it with the Secret Santa Fund.

We went to a local merchant and picked five hearts from the giving basket, bought gifts, and wrapped them back up and took them back to the merchant.

I get a little depressed (that we can't fill a tree, full of gifts for them), but Cowboy assures me that, when you have very little, getting gifts like this means so much.

We also do this thing on Christmas morning, where we go and feed the hungry, and I get depressed then as well, about simple things that we take for granted, that are so much appreciated by those in need...

Like a fresh orange, instead of one that has been pulled off the shelves of a grocery store.

After we get done doing these things, I feel sad, that I have not been more grateful for all that I have, for all that I have, has not been more appreciated.

and I count my blessings

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008

New Cooking Site

I've finished updating my new cooking blog (finally), the link has been changed, now you can easily print out any recipes that you might like.

Just click on "click 2 print" and a word document will open up and you may just print it from your computer

Monday, December 1, 2008

the walls will fall

brick by brick, little by little...

sure some one will go out and try to mortar pieces back on and they might succeed for awhile, they might add reinforcements, and other things to hold those walls up, but eventually the wall will fall, for its foundation is not built on anything secure.

love wins out in the end...

try as you will, hate never keeps things buried... it might seem for awhile, for years even, maybe even a few decades, but love, justice and equality always wins in the end...

Women's rights, interracial marriage, gay rights, the freedom to be who you are inside...

Nothing stops love, nothing, not religion, not the state, not even death.

At times it may seem dormant, but what is love always rises to the grow in the sun.

For no matter how long you might fight it, eventually you will come to see that there is nothing wrong with love, even if you don't understand it.

Eventually you will get tired of summoning hate to fight love, eventually you will find that concentrating on hate to fight love cheapens your own love.

Eventually you will see that love is not threatening.