Friday, March 20, 2009

its a little bit strange

My life, that is...

and what is going on in it and around it.

Long complicated stories that revolve around taxes and what is meant by all the various tax laws, and how they are to be interpreted. I have spent so much time at the library researching tax law that I almost feel like I should try to pass the bar.

Cowboy's step-sister has stage 4 ovarian cancer, and is not expected to last more than two weeks, he was never close to her, but her illness and expected death affects his dad, with whom he is very close.

It is also keeping the rest of the family busy, and Cowboy has been asked to make the arrangements at our church, for a service - our church is the same church that his step sister attends.

I feel like some how we should be more involved, but at the same time, life is dramatic enough without borrowing more. There other complicated issues that revolve around that part of the family that makes it more dramatic than it needs to be. This drama happens when ever that side of the family gets together and really has nothing to do with the events, but the events are making the drama harder to take. So he is attempting to be there for the concrete needs without having to go through the other drama.

Today Cowboy & I celebrate our seven year anniversary, we chose this date, the date of our second date, because I broke my leg roller-blading, and though Cowboy expected to finally get some, what he ended up with instead was an invalid in his living room chair for four days before I was strong enough to drive home.

So since we had the receipts of that day (from him going to buy crutches) we were able to pinpoint this day.

My life would be very different if Cowboy had not come into my life. and when anyone starts to complain about being alone, and that they cant find anyone to love, I ask them, "Have you opened yourself up to love, and let someone in your life, do you have too many expectations about what they should look like or what job they need to have?"

Sure we have differences of opinions, but we really try to own that our individual issues are our issues and to not take it out on the other person, either in drama or silence.

One of the things that I love about Cowboy is his laugh, it warms my heart when I hear him laughing even if I have no idea what he is laughing about.

1 comment:

Brettcajun said...

I read this post a few days ago, but I didn't comment then. I think you made some good points.

I find that I am learning A LOT about myself from being single now. Though the people I am now interacting with have changed, I am gaining some insight into how I operate. Some observations have shed some light on some not-so-pretty things about myself.

It's been an eye-opening experience to say the least.

Congrats on you and Cowboy's anniversary. I am glad to have personally met you both back in SF a couple years ago.