Saturday, July 4, 2009


This from Frank in Australia.

"I am a very fit guy who swims and works out, eats well. The stuff I am supposed to do. I have lower back pain and am not sure how to strengthen that area.
I have tried excercises from the mens mags but most of them hurt too much for me to do. I do ab work, but I know I have to do more than that.
Can you help?"

Frank, Australia.

Hi Frank

Now with regards to the lower back pain... Assuming it is a muscular weakness you have there are definitely ways you can strengthen this area. Below are a couple of exercises you can try. The feeling should be that of muscle fatigue. In exercise #1 more in the lumbar or lower back region, and in exercise #2 more in the abdomen. If the pain persists I would recommend getting an assessment by the likes of a physiotherapist.

Good luck.

Exercise #1 Lying Corba

Lying on stomach lift torso, retract shoulders, keep toes on ground
Hold for 10 secs lower and rest for 10secs. Repeat 3-8x, 1-2x Daily

Exercise #2 Lying Leg Lowers

Lying on back. Knees bent @ 90 degrees, Hands up or by sides, Beginner-lower one leg maintaining arch though lower back (not hyperextending) Bring leg back in 10 reps each side, slow tempo. Advanced-same as above with both legs


Nathan Martin
Les Mills Body trainer

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