Wednesday, April 30, 2008

this too shall pass

It’s the last day of April, so quick - get a post in before the whole month has gone away.

To tell you the truth, I have not felt like posting, every once in awhile I just feel like I’m done with it.

I mean what is the reason I even do it?

Then I remember, I do it for me, it doesn’t matter if people make comments, though I love it if they do.

It is not about what people out “there” think, it is what is going on in my head.

Sometimes I don’t have the energy to write it down, don’t even know if I want to share it.

It is awfully revealing, and I am a very private person, even if you already know too much about me.

Sometimes, I think, that people aren’t even really interested, I mean how many times has someone asked you how your day was, and you start to tell them, and they get “that look”, and you know that you are boring them to death.

Once again you forgot, “They were just being polite” (Actually, sometimes it is just not the right place or time – like a party)

Sometimes I get down on myself, I’m getting older, the body does not respond the way it used to, it takes awhile to get over being sick or getting over some of the work of training rides.

Sometimes, I just don’t feel like going to the gym again, I want to go shopping! And yes to tell you the truth, mostly I want to go and buy bike parts, or start saving for my very own bike.

What? Bike Parts? I though you were not one of those bike freaks, you say to me?

It’s starting to get to me, I want to get out of this office and go for a bike ride ((as soon as the wind dies down))

I wish I could afford to take some time off and just go for some rides, stop at a coffee stop, sit and drink coffee and then get back on the bike and go again.


Its funny how we get depressed sometimes.

Last week I went to bike event and I was saying goodbye to some friends of mine ((Sonoma County Riders)) and this lady whispers in my ear, “ When you came in this room, after the ride, I heard a couple of gasps, Those guys ( she pointed all around her) think you are the handsomest guy in the room”

I blushed, and said “Ah Shucks”, and then I spend the rest of this week, thinking, well I don’t have as much muscles as that guy, my face isn’t as handsome as that guy. I’m not as thin as that guy.

Well I have to laugh at myself, because, for I should be happy that I was perceived that way, it doesn’t make me better or worse than anyone else.

It just is. For that moment, relish it, for life changes, and this moment too shall pass. ((Once upon a time there was a King who said to his advisors “ make me something that will make me sad when I am happy and happy when I am sad, or I shall know that all my advisors are fools and I will kill you all – and the advisors make him a ring that was engraved inside with the words “This too shall pass”))

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