Saturday, June 7, 2008

Day 7 - Ventura to Los Angeles

it is the last day, bittersweet, sweet because finally you get to get off that damn bike! Bitter, because this incredible community is done for another year.

The last day, we pack our tents one last time, and get on the road, you have made new friends, though some of them you won't see them again until next year, some you will see on training rides.

when we roll out there is relief, because it is the last day of riding, but there is a quietness too, for the sorrow of the parting that is to come at the end of this day...

At this time I want to thank all my fellow riders, thank you for the encouragement up each and every damn hill. I want to thank all the roadies for all the hard work , and support that you give us the makes this ride physically and emotionally possible.

I want to thank my spouse Cowboy, for being there, for putting up with me being gone on all my training rides and the incessant chatter about rides and bikes.

Most of all I want to thank my Donors - you made a difference this day - I may have rode, but you saved lives

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