Friday, July 11, 2008


It was a grand and glorious weekend – Well I’m talking about the 4th of July so I had to slip the grand and glorious in.

Now for some trivia – The Declaration of Independence was actually voted on and approved on the 2nd of July, The document was then rewritten and the final draft approved on July 4th and sent to the printer.

The document that we think of as the Declaration of Independence, was hand written and signed on July 19th The bulk of the signatures came later, on August 2nd, 1776

The first public reading of the Document happened on July 8th at Independence Hall.

Congress was going to celebrate the 2nd as “Independence Day”, but did not remember until July 3rd 1777, and so celebrated the first celebration of Independence Day on July 4th, 1777.

So what did I do over the 4th of July Weekend? Well first it was clean the garage, which I never get enough time in there to do it the way I want to do it, because it would just take too long, to reorganize everything the way I want to, but I did get all the cobwebs swept out.

We then went shopping, I for some plaid shorts at the Gap, size 31 waist, which are still too big. I guess the diet has been working. Bought some other nic-nacs, paddy wac, give a dog a bone.

Saturday, we went to barbecue in the East Bay, saw my relatives, HI FOLKS! Had a good time, and then came home again, it was nice not to have to drive all the way to the South Bay.

Sunday, we worked in the yard some, and then looked at houses again. We found one that we really liked and are looking at financing right now, getting reports, cleaning up around the house, throwing old stuff away just in case we will be moving soon.

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