Sunday, August 24, 2008

I have dreams

crazy dreams...

that's okay, most of them are very enjoyable...

Last night's dream was a combination of Mama Mia (the movie) and an Alec Baldwin flick. Naturally at this point I don't remember all the details, but the gist of the dream was that there was this younger son, that everyone in his family was concerned that he might be working too much and not taking time for the real things in life that mattered.

In my dream, the father had spent all of his time working, and it effected not only the relationship of the son, but of his brothers and his wife, so much so that the wife (the son's mother) was still harboring some resentment.

Now in the dream, every once in awhile every broke into some ridiculous song and was dance routine (like in Mama Mia), but it flowed seamlessly. Alec Baldwin (the younger version) was one of the uncles that was constantly checking in with the son and the rest of the family to make sure that each of them were taking time to be real with their family.

the dream goes on and on, nothing heavy, but at the very end, when they are doing a celebration of some type for the mother, the son, had reproduced a photo of the father as a young man as a present for his mother.

This photo is a picture of his father from a war zone/landing that his father was one of only 5 survivors, and that the father had seen his fellow soldiers killed in three separate landings on this same beach.

In my dream the only one who knew what this picture meant was the mother.

The whole point of this dream (to me) is how someone can chose to love you, even when you have not shared your most traumatic events (or darkest secrets) with them.

Even though that secret changes us, people are still able to love us not knowing our secrets, that they are still able to find something in us to love.

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