Thursday, August 14, 2008

I've been Away

Not really away, just don’t feel like posting, to tell you the truth, I’m depressed.

It always starts, when I get back from the ride (AIDS LIFECYCLE), it is just an amazing thing, that I have a hard time getting back to my own real world, and it (my) set of problems.

The reality is, that my problems are just ordinary, no big deal sort of problems; why aren’t my muscles growing as fast as I want, why can’t I manage my money better, why don’t people answer their emails as fast as I want, why didn’t I answer that email yet.

Stupid things, well not stupid, but considering what goes on in the rest of the world, nothing to really bitch about.

I also worry about, things like, how come I can’t write as well as that guy from Blue Alto, or how about that Tater guy? Things like my grammar sucks. I need to finish that art piece I have been working on for (going on) two years now, and the new ones I’m working on, I just cant get the guy’s nose right, and I’m afraid to screw it up

Of course I have money problems (minor) like most people, I would love a new car, a new house, etc etc.

The reality is, I don’t need any of those thing, and when I had all that stuff, it just caused more problems, like when I used to loan my Porsche to a buddy, and then I would get so upset when he did not clean his crap out of it after he borrowed it. Well I can’t afford 3 cars now, so I don’t have to worry about loaning it out, or saying no.

To tell you the truth, while I have been away, I got addicted to Facebook and the silly games that they seduce you with. I’m worth 16 million in Owned a photo buying game, I’m a level 14 “outlaw” in Space Raiders, I also have a new puppy, and a knighthood, a city, Super Poked and Showered with my other pals.

Time I get back to my real life. (and Blogging)

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